Student Accounts
Understand tuition dates and deadlines, make payments or set up a payment plan.
Student Accounts, located on the first floor of the Student Success Center, is your one-stop shop for information on Certificates of Residence, address changes, payment plans, refunds and tuition.
Net Price Calculator
Visit the SUNY Net Price Calculator to estimate how affordable GCC is for you. The net price calculator provides students and parents a broad estimate of the total annual cost of attending Genesee Community College.
Tuition Refunds and Policy
Course registration creates a financial obligation to GCC. A tuition refund is only effective upon formal (written) withdrawal. The student can withdraw in writing in the Record’s Office or at any campus center location. They can also withdraw online through their myGCC account.
When is payment due?
Please see our Dates and Deadlines for specific tuition due dates. After the published due date, tuition is due upon registration.
How do I make a payment?
Tuition payments can be made online, on campus or over the phone. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, check, money order or cash (if received in person).
Pay Online
Log in to myGCC > Click on My Dashboard > Under Student Accounts > Select Make A Payment
In Person
You can pay in person at the Student Success Center (Batavia) or make a payment at any Campus Center location. You can pay with credit card, check or cash.
By Phone
Call the Student Success Center at (585) 345-6805 and select “3” for Billing during normal business hours and pay with a valid Visa, MasterCard or Discover card.
By Mail
Mail your check or money order made payable to “Genesee Community College” including your student ID number in the memo field of the check.
GCC Student Accounts Office
One College Road
Batavia, NY 14020
International Bank Transfers
GCC partners with Flywire to streamline the tuition payment process for our international students.
- Pay from any country and any bank
- Excellent foreign exchange rates, allowing you to pay in your home currency (in most cases) and save a significant amount of money, as compared to traditional banks.
- Track where your payment is in the transfer process via a student dashboard. An email confirmation will be sent to you when your payment is received.
Can I set up a monthly payment plan?
Set Up a Monthly Payment Plan
GCC partners with Nelnet Campus Commerce to allow you to pay your tuition and fees over time, making college more affordable.
- Payments are processed on the 5th of each month with automatic bank payment (ACH) or credit/debit card.
- $25 enrollment fee per semester
- $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned
How to Enroll
Log into myGCC > Click on My Dashboard > Under Student Accounts, Select Manage My Payment Plan
Enrollment Deadlines
Spring 2025
Tuition due December 6, 2024 or, thereafter, upon registration.
Last Day to Enroll | Required Down Payment | Number of Payments | Months of Payments |
Jan 2 | none | 4 | Jan-April |
Jan 27 | 25% | 3 | Feb-April |
Feb 24 | 33% | 2 | March & April |
Summer 2025
Tuition due May 2 or, thereafter, upon registration.
Last Day to Enroll | Required Down Payment | Number of Payments | Months of Payments |
May 1 | none | 3 | May-July |
May 27 | 33% | 2 | June & July |
June 25 | 50% | 1 | July only |
Genesee Community College’s tuition due date is established by the college and is unrelated to the deadline to enroll in a payment plan. Your class schedule is guaranteed only if you pay in full or enroll in a payment plan by the GCC deadline, not the payment plan enrollment date on this page.
How do I get a refund on financial aid?
Federal Financial Aid (including loans) and NYS TAP will disburse at the point that the College has verified you have commenced attendance in the course(s) for which the aid/loans relate. For example, if you are in “late start” classes (Last 12-week classes or Last 7-week classes), your aid will not disburse until such time as your courses have begun. The very earliest that a student can be issued a refund check is Week 6.
All student refunds will be mailed to the address on file, unless you select to receive it by Direct Deposit or Reloadable Debit Card (students must provide the reloadable debit card). Please follow the steps below to make a selection.
- Log in to myGCC
- Click on My Dashboard
- Under Student Accounts, click on Manage My Refunds
- Nelnet will redirect you to their website
- Select your refund method and enter required information
Remember, in order to keep all your federal financial aid that is being refunded to you, you must attend beyond the 60% point of the semester. Students who do not complete at least 60% of the semester will have a portion of their aid returned to the appropriate aid programs at the end of the semester.
If you have specific questions about the disbursement of financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office directly.
How will I know when I have a new bill?
You will receive a notification via your GCC and personal email addresses whenever a new eBill is available for viewing, along with instructions on how to access it.
What information is included on my bill?
Your bill includes the semester’s charges calculated according to credit hour. The bill lists anticipated payments from financial aid and any previous balance from prior semesters or payments already made for the current semester. Your bill also indicates whether we have a valid Certificate of Residence Form on file and your class schedule for the billed semester.
What are eBills?
eBills (electronic billing statements) are simply a web-based version of the information contained in the “paper bill.”
Will I receive a paper bill?
No, GCC will no longer mail paper bills. eBill will be the exclusive billing method.
What is a Certificate of Residence and why do I need one?
A Certificate of Residence is issued by your County and verifies your legal address for the past 12 months. It is required from all students each year because it permits the College to bill your home County. Failure of NYS residents to submit a certificate will result in double tuition charges.
You can obtain a Certificate of Residence Application (PDF) online, or from the Student Accounts Office or a Campus Center. It is important that you follow the instructions on the reverse side (page 2) of the application, and any county-specific instructions.
Certificates of Residence cannot be dated more than two months prior to the student’s registration date (no longer the start of classes). In addition, your home county is only required to honor those certificates dated within the first thirty (30) days of the semester. Students submitting their out-of-county certificates after the first thirty days of the semester will incur double tuition charges. If your home county will issue and honor a late certificate, then the College will remove the double tuition charges from your account.
Genesee County Residents
If you have been a legal resident of New York State for the past year AND a resident of Genesee County for the last six (6) months, fill out the Certificate of Residence Application (PDF), sign it and turn it in to the Student Accounts Office.
Other New York State Residents
You are required to provide the College with an out-of-county Certificate of Residence once each year. This enables the College to bill your home county for your residency charges and allows you to pay the single tuition rate.
If you have been a permanent resident of New York State for the past year BUT you have lived outside of Genesee County, please fill out the Certificate of Residence Application (PDF) and submit it to your County Treasurer. Some counties, such as Erie and Niagara, will require you to provide proof of address. Please check with your home county treasurer’s office for their requirements.
Upon receipt of a valid and complete application, your county will either forward a Certificate of Residence to the Student Accounts Office, or return the Certificate to you, and you must submit it to the Student Accounts Office. It is your responsibility to ensure that a valid Certificate of Residence is on file for you at the Student Accounts Office.
Non-New York State Residents
Non-Resident tuition is charged to all students who have not been legal, permanent residents of New York for the past year. This includes the following:
- International Students (holding an F-1 Visa)
- Temporary residents (short-term job assignment or living here while attending college, for instance)
- Any person who is in the U.S. on a Visa. Immigrants must have a permanent resident status for one year in order to be eligible for in-state tuition.
If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office at (585) 343-0055 ext 6493.
Student Financial Agreement
Prior to registration, all students must agree to the Student Financial Agreement, which will be displayed in myGCC the first time students access a term. The Student Financial Agreement acknowledges that course registration creates a financial obligation to Genesee Community College. The agreement also clarifies Residency, withdrawal and non-payment conditions. Any questions regarding the Student Financial Agreement can be directed to the Business Office at (585) 345-6950.
Student Financial Agreement
I understand and agree that once I am registered for a course or courses at Genesee Community College (the “College”), I am solely responsible for the payment of the resulting tuition, fees, and any other charges that I have authorized to be posted my account. I fully understand, acknowledge and agree that regardless of any expected reliance by me on any third-party resource, including, without limitation, financial aid, employer reimbursements, scholarships, or any other external resource, I am and remain personally responsible for paying any and all balances due the College. This agreement constitutes a continuing agreement obligating me to pay all outstanding balances due the College.
Residency Requirements
To qualify for New York resident tuition, the student must submit to the Business Office a certificate of residence once per academic year. Ordinarily, a certificate of residence is submitted at the time of registration, but no earlier than 60 days before the beginning of a semester. Students who do not submit a certificate within 30 days after the start of the semester will be subjected to double tuition charges. For additional information see Residency Requirements.
Withdrawal Policy
Course registration creates a financial obligation to the College. The tuition refund policy is only effective upon receipt of an official withdrawal notice. Non-attendance is not withdrawal. For additional details see the Withdrawal Policy.
Failure to Pay & Collections for Nonpayment
I understand that if my account should lapse into delinquent status, I will receive no transcript, no grades, and will not be allowed to register until my bill is paid. Please note that it is the College’s practice to place delinquent accounts with an outside collection agency at the end of each term. I agree to reimburse the College the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 33% of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, that the College incurs in such collection efforts.
I authorize the College and their respective agents and contractors to contact me regarding my student account at the current or any future number that I provide for my cellular phone or other wireless device using automated telephone dialing equipment or artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Agreement and fully understand it. By clicking on the I Accept button below, I am agreeing to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement, thereby obligating me to pay all outstanding balances that I may incur with Genesee Community College now and in the future.
Student Accounts
Student Success Center – G127
Phone: 585-345-6805
Fax: 585-345-6885